Monday, August 5, 2013

Exciting news!

Hi bloggers! 
Thanks so much for all the nice comments on my CHA posts. 
I love hearing from you.  
Today I have some very exciting news to share with you!
 I'm such a lucky girl!! 

I'm so honored to be joining the Tim Holtz creative team! 
Thank you Tim, Mario and Paula for the warm welcome!!

I started using Tim Holtz products when the original Distress Ink pads were released. Yes, those 6 glorious brown and neutral ink pads that started it all. My love has just grown and  I would never have guessed that my journey would lead me here. But I'm so happy it has. I'm beyond excited! 

To help celebrate, I have a prize package to give away! Here are a few of my favorite things for one lucky winner! Just leave a comment by Friday PST at midnight for a chance to win and good luck! I will announce the winner Saturday, August 10th, so be sure to check back!

Thanks for stopping by!


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Cyndi said...

Congrats! I am inspired by your work and would love to play with some new toys. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Richele! What a dream job! Thanks for the chance to win these awesome products :)
~Rachel in Sacramento

Glenda said...

WOW! What an opportunity! Congrats, girl!!! I'm stinkin jealous! Can't wait to see all the wonderful ideas you'll continue to bring us!

Nancy B said...

Congratulations! What an exciting Journey!

Nancy B said...

Congratulations, what an exciting Journey!

Yvonne said...

Congrats Richele! Just wanted to say that! Can't wait to see MORE of what you create, wink. I don't want to be entered in the drawing, just wanted to say congrats!!!

Betsye Rose said...

Congratulations on the dream job! Hope you have lots of fun!

KathyFL57 said...

CONGRATS! How much fun it will be..Sounds pretty much like a dream job!

Lola said...


Creative Hugs,

Denise Foor Studio PA said...

Congrats to you Richele! You must be over the moon with joy. Have a blast and keep's a wonderful life.

Samanthak said...

Congratulations. Looking forward to watching your wonderful work in action!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I can only dream of working on such an awesome team!

jjindp said...

Keep up the great work, congratulations !

Kathleen Harrington said...

Congratulations Richele and Tim! No one deserves it more than you Richele. I hope you'll still have time to teach at Stampers Corner, at least once in a while, but hopefully as much as before (fingers crossed). If you need any help, I'm an available volunteer.

Kathleen Harrington
(pink lace and puzzle pieces)

Katina said...

This is so fantastic. It's wonderful to see your creativity recognized by other "greats" in the business!!

Garden Girl Digs in Dirt said...

Congratulations on your exciting new adventure with Tim and crew. Looking forward to your fabulous creations.

Sheryl said...

Congrats to you!! I've checked your blog several times before and am always impressed with your work. Working with Tim and crew would be like working at Disneyland. Every day is a fairy tale and Where dreams do come true!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cal8007 said...

Congratulations in joining the Tim Holtz team! I've been looking at your creations and you are one crafty and smart girl!! Thanks for the chance at Tim's stuff! I left you some love on Tim's blog too!

Carmen L

Anonymous said...

Aloha and Congratulations Richele ... you folks are such a talented bunch!
Mahalo for a chance to win a terrific lot of t!m holtz goodies!
- Mynda

Cheryl C said...

Congrats! You've recently been on my radar so I see why you were invited! Love your style.

Nichol said...

Can't wait to see your future projects!

.:♥Marit Pettinga-Meijer♥:. said...

Congrats on your new position at the Tim Holtz team Richele!!! You deserve it so much! Can't wait to see all the amazing things you will make! Hugs, Marit.
..:: xXx ::..

Beverly's Stamping Beehive said...

Way to go!!! Very jealous already :) Have a really great time - enjoy it all!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I'm so jealous! Enjoy it!

Debbie H. said...

Congratulations Richele! I, too, am becoming a Tim Holtz fanatic. Started with one Distress Ink pad and the birdcage die. Thank you for the chance to win. I'm looking forward to seeing your future projects.

Debbie H. said...

Congratulations Richele! I, too, am becoming a Tim Holtz fanatic. Started with one Distress Ink pad and the birdcage die. Thank you for the chance to win. I'm looking forward to seeing your future projects.

Bast said...

Wow Congrats! You must be over the moon! Looking forward to seeing more of your gorgeous creations.


Kathy said...

Congratulations! Thanks for celebrating with us and offering such a prize package!

GTNana said...

So glad for you. You really are going to be in the 'right place' - a win-win for all of us who love your talent and the talent of the TH team. Congrats.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! You are a very lucky girl, but you got there with your amazing talent. Enjoy your new colaberation.

James Gray said...

Congratulations! You are part of the Dream Team! Your work is amazing! I can't wait to see more.

heidig said...

Congratulations! What an honor for you!

Stacey said...

You are very lucky! Congrats to you!

Yogi said...

congrats on getting on to Tim's team. What a fabulous bunch of goodies in the prize package. Keeping my fingers crossed
have a great day

Debo said...

Congratulations!!!!! What a dream job! Enjoy....

Debo said...

Congratulations!!!!! What a dream job! Enjoy....

rocqee said...

Indeed, you are a lucky girl but then so are we as there will be so many wonderful projects awaiting us all! Congratulations!

Lori said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you'll be a valuable member of the team! Thanks for the opportunity!

D'onna said...

Congratulations - you're with the best creative team EVER!

Miranda said...

That sounds great, being part of that team! Congrats with that and also nice to join your super give-away! creative greet Miranda

Connie said...

Congrats!!! A dream job for a very talented designer. Can't wait to see all the fun stuff.

Samantha F. said...

Congratulations to such a deserving and creative gal. I love your classes at the Stampers Corner. You're the BOMB Richele!!

Peggy in Portland said...

Yay you lucky and talented girl! Congrats and enjoy.
Peggy in Portland

Rosebud said...

Congrats on your new position with the Tim Holtz Team! How exciting for you! Such a dream come true...

F said...

Congrats on a dream job! What person who loves crafts wouldn't want to be in your shoes?! Have fun!

F said...

Congrats on a dream job! What crafter wouldn't want to be in your shoes?! Have fun!

the paper addiction said...

Congratulations - well deserved and a fabulous addition to the magic of Tim Holtz.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Richele! What a dream come true. Your journey has just begun :) ENJOY IT!!!!

carpediem said...

congrats! looking forward to seeing your projects! laura j

Winnie said...

So happy for you! Your work is amazing, so I can see why you were asked to join that team! Looking forward to seeing what you will be making and sharing!

Inca Princess said...

Congratulations! A wonderful addition to an awesome team!!!

photoscrapper said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Being a at Tim Team Member would be a dream come true for me :-P

Thank you for the awesome giveaway

Marcy said...

Congratulations! A great team to be on.

Ohana in Bend said...

congrats on being on the design team. it will be exciting. can't wait to see the instructions on your journal!

Renee Stien said...

Congratulations, I can't imagine how excited you must be. thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway!

joyceglee said...

You will make a wonderful addition to the team. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats! Even more creativity on the Tim Holtz team. I'm not sure our crafty hearts can take it. But you better believe we will try! Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Richele! Such exciting news!!! Looking forward to seeing what you create. :)

Melanie said...

Congrats! Ive enjoyed seeing your work.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! That certainly is a dream job and well deserved. Can't wait to see all the goodness you'll bring to the table. Good luck!

renee g said...

Congratulations ! I can't wait to see all the great ideas you come up with !

Unknown said...

Awesome!!!! What an amazing opportunity, sounds like a dream job to me!

Linda's Vintage Arts and WhatNot said...

What an awesome path those little distress stamp pads took you on! May you never lose inspiration! Beginning my path in my fifties, trying to set up a blog to post this, hope it works!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job!! I cant wait to see what I can learn from your projects!

CJ said...

How exciting for you to be on the "Tim team"!!!! Dream job indeed...came here from his blog and I'm delighted with all the inspiration I'm finding here....very talented indeed!

dorism6220 said...

Congratulations - love your stuff!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I love your work, and enjoy trying to recreate what you and the rest of the team do! All of the prize elements are wonderful. --Cindy

Holly said...

Congratulations! What an exciting opportunity! Thanks for the chance to win some fabulous goodies!

JIm Eber said...

Can't wait to see what you offer. I love all the Ranger designers.

Unknown said...

WOW...CONGRATULATIONS are so very lucky to be working with TIM'S are so right a lot of us wish we could be so talented, creative and having the pleasure of working doing something YOU LOVE on a daily basis and with the BEST TEAM OF ALL! You deserve it and I am sure will continue to enjoy....."THE JOURNEY" ...... :-)

Flo said...

Congratulations doesn't say it! And to think.....I knew you wayyyyy back when. You are very talented, no doubt about it. HAVE FUN ~~~

tbear said...

How exciting for you! Congrats! What a joy to work with such wonderful products all the time. Looking forward to seeing your blog. What infinite possibilities. . .

dsh said...

Lucky girl! Can't wait to see all the fun.

Ititahi said...

Congratulations Richele, what a cool business card! The team keeps on getting better and better. Inspiration unlimited :)

Kathy G ( New Zealand)

NancyJB said...

Tim posted your Travel Journal on Facebook and I'm glad he did! Your work is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Sounds like the ideal job. Thank you for the fantastic Holtz giveaway.

Wee Von said...

So excited. Can hardly wait to see all of your creations!! My birthday is the 12th what a great gift this would make. lol

Glenda said... wonderful...can't wait for more inspiration!!

Sue said...

Congratulations to you. What an amazing role you are going to have. Enjoy every moment.

Unknown said...

We are so lucky that you are going to share your amazing talent with us. Congratulations.

Unknown said...

Congrats to joining a great team. Looking forward to great projects

Shannon said...

Congratulations - how very special!

Shannon said...

Congratulations - how very special!

Julie Wilson said...

Congratulations Richele. Your work is amazing. A well deserved place on Tims Team. xxx

Unknown said...

congrats :)

Mary said...

Congratulations!!!! I love Tim Holtz and very happy to see your part of the "Awesome" Creative Team!!!!!

Dodie said...

Congratulations, Richele! I love seeing all of your stunning creations!

sreynolds999 said...

Welcome aboard! What a fun and exciting opportunity!

Nan G said...

What thrilling news! You are so lucky!

wustaz said...

I am over the moon excited for you.... I bet you still pinch yourself to see if you're dreaming. WTG!!!

Frank said...

Conga-Rats....that's super exciting news!! Can't wait to see what crafty goodness y'all come up with next.

Debbie B said...

Congratulations on being part of the team. I can only imagine how excited you are!!!

Paloma Cards said...

Hi Richelle, So glad for you for joining such a marvelous team! Here in Malta we do not have such opportunities, but it is my passion to follow what is going on in the craft industry outside Malta and also in Tim's world! So I guess I'll be following your great work too :) Congratz.
Good luck dear.

Madeleine said...

Congrats on your new job! You must be so exited. I love the Tim Holtz product range, but living in Greenland makes it very expensive to retrieve any of the amazing products (P&P is SOOO expensive). But every month I allow myself, to spend a little money to buy some of the fantastic products. I will look forward seeing your other creative designs. Kind regards Madeleine

Madeleine said...

Congrats on your new job! You must be so exited. I love the Tim Holtz product range, but living in Greenland makes it very expensive to retrieve any of the amazing products (P&P is SOOO expensive). But every month I allow myself, to spend a little money to buy some of the fantastic products. I will look forward seeing your other creative designs. Kind regards Madeleine

Miss NiceRoad said...

congrats to you! it must be awesome to create with TH products allllllll yearrrr long, and mostly get to play with them before everyone else to inspire us all :) Keep up the good work, lady!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to following you & all your amazing ideas, now that I have found you thru tim's blog...congrats on your journey with tim & his amazing team!

Brenda Evans said...

Congrats Richele and look forward to seeing many of your projects.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new job! I admit to being a bit envious to be able to work with tim and to get your hands on all the new things - not to mention all the great things you will create!! as he says, enjoy the ride!!

Sue McGettigan said...

Congratulations to you - what a dream job!!

corinna said...

congratulations, what a dream job indeedy, you will fit in easily, take care, corinna

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! You are such a talented artist and so much deserve this amazing job! ^.^ can't wait to see your new projects

TodayLibrary said...

Congratulations on your new endeavor. You will be a wonderful asset to their awesome team.

Joanna Wiśniewska said...

Congratulations :) Beautiful projects :)
Best regards, Joanna

cheryl in kc said...

Congrats on the new job, and how exciting for all of us!!!

Susie A said...

Congrats! You are very creative and deserve the recognition!

BethW said...

Huge congratulations.Can't wait to see more of your inspired creations.

Cathy Michels said...

Congratulations on your new opportunity! What great products and great people to work with!

Grammy Pam said...

Richele, I have been reading your blog. I have always loved your ideas and inspirations. Congrats on making the Tim Team. The connection will be Fabulous.....Thanks and A Big Congrat!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, you are a lucky girl. You get to play for a living!
Great ideas.

Mom3King said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mom3King said...

So exciting. Thank you for the chance to win.

Puuhis said...

Oh, what a treasure to share.

auntiejenni said...

luckeeeeee! i mean that in every sense of the word.....luckee for you to have this amazing opportunity and luckee for tim holtz to have you as part of his team. it's a beautiful marriage of all creative minds. this is just so cool.

Cheryl said...

Congrats ! A great dream team. Love all your projects and thanks for the chance to win.

Ann Marie said...

What a dream come true. Looking forward to seeing all your wonderful work and ideas. Congrats!!!!!

S@ndy Diller said...

Congrats to you. looking forward to seeing more of your great projects!

Unknown said...

Wow! Congrats Richele! What an amazing opportunity to work with such a talented man! Looking forward to your projects and ideas. Would love to see ya'll bring your talented selves to South Carolina! Pick me Pick me for chance to win the amazing Tim Holtz products! :D

Mo said...

Congratulations, Richele. I've read your blog for a long time and love your art. Especially the configurations!

Annelies said...

Congratulations Richele! It's fantastic news for you and I'm looking forward to see your DT-creations! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Glenda a. said...

What a great honour to work with Tim and vice versa for Tim to have you! Would love to win but even if I'm not the one chosen to win this fabulous prize package, I love your ideas. Thanks.

Hunter Here! said...

I am so excited for you and for us! You create beautiful art and bring a brighter bolder look to working with Tim's products - exactly my cup of tea!

Genia Goltz said...

How awesome!! Congratulations!!!! That is a dream come true!!! I love everything Tim!!!

Genia Goltz said...

Congrats!!! That is a dream come true! I love everything Tim!!!! Happy dance!!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!! You will be the perfect addition to Tim's team! Congratulations!!! I have always enjoyed looking at your projects when Tim post you on his Blogworthy list. Best wishes on your new journey!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your awesome news, looking forward to following your blog :D

OneCraftyAngel said...

Congratulations! Love all of Tim Holtz products and his style! You will be such a great addition to the team. :)

Linda's Vintage Arts and WhatNot said...

Fantastic news and never lose you nerve!!! You do such nice work, thanks.

Barbara said...

sometimes the journey takes you down the most exciting paths. you go, girl!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, great news!!

Maura said...

Congratulations! Enjoy the dream!!

Loris said...

Congratulations! How exciting.

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