Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Eclectic Elements Fabric!!

Did you here the BIG NEWS? Tim Holtz has fabric! 
The collection is called Eclectic Elements, 100% cotton perfection! 
You can read the announcement on Tim's blog.

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about this fabric line!! But I'll try! It all started when I received an email from my friend Paula Cheney just a few weeks ago. 

The email read...
I know this is a stupid question...but richele do you sew?

Not stupid I actually used to teach quilting classes...why???

The next thing you know we are on the phone coordinating and planing... it was going to be a little tricky because I was leaving in a few days for a 10 day vacation in Oregon to visit family. 

The package arrived in Oregon a few days after me.


The feel and weight of the fabric is amazing and it's just like the paper we have loved for quite some time!

The next email to Paula...
Oh my! These are beautiful! I was trying to pick my favorite but I can't. I love them all! I'll get you some pics as I start to sew.

 So I started cutting.....and cutting....and cutting...

...and I sewing ...and sewing ....and sewing...

Next email to Paula
I'm off and running sewing!!! 
Loving the fabrics...THANK YOU Tim for always putting a smile on my face... I feel like a school girl all gitty with excitement.

Here is the first block!

I'm now quilting.....and quilting....and quilting...

I can't wait to show you my finished project! 
Actually I'm still working on it but you will see it soon!
You're going to LOVE it! 

To see more of the Eclectic Elements journey check out what my friends are up to...

Tuesday, May 14th - Tammy Tutterow  
Wednesday, May 15th - me!
Thursday, May 16th - Chelle Fowler
Friday, May 17th - Paula Cheney

Thanks so much for coming by.

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments!! 


  1. Gosh, I cannot wait to get my hands on this fabric! A former quilter myself, I still have all my stash stored away for when I'm able to get back to it again. Now this really has me motivated! Can't wait to see your finished piece. So far, it's fantastic!

  2. I hope you are making one for each of your friends, or at least this one!:) It looks awesome already so can't wait to see it finished! Amazing job in such a short time, thanks for sharing. I can't wait to get some for myself.

  3. It looks just GORGEOUS! Can't wait to see the finished work of art! TFS

  4. It is looking fabulous Richele, can't wait to see it in person tomorrow!

  5. holy heck...I L.O.V.E it already!!!! I agree with heather, one for every friend!!! ;) fabulous inspiration, thank you!!!

  6. My heart went all atwitter when I saw the pic of the box of fabrics! I can't wait to get my hands on it! But at least I have a while to decide on which blocks/patterns will showcase the fabric the best!

  7. Oh, you must have had so much fun! I can't wait to get my hands on some of this fabric!

  8. The honor of the first to create with Tim's fabric! So inspiring & beautiful!

  9. can't wait to see your finished project - we won't get the fabric over here for eons yet - not fair - so want to start my own projects with it. Love what you have done so far xx

  10. So far so good . . . can't wait to see the completed project!

  11. Oh that's pretty! I can't wait to see the finished project.

  12. That looks amazing!

  13. Oh my, it is just beautiful. I haven't sewn a thing for years that fabric makes me want to start again.

  14. I can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  15. Okay I'm getting gitty with you ... Oh that quilt is AWESOME... can't wait to see the finished project ! You go "gurl" !!!

  16. Such stunning fabrics... that's going to be a showstopper of a quilt - it's already beautiful!
    Alison x

  17. Oh my... gorgeous! I can't wait to see it when it's done! Your sewing skills are certainly coming in handy!

  18. WOW! Gorgeous! I can't to see the finished quilt!

  19. Richele you rock! OMGEeee the quilt looks amazing!

  20. Wow! You are dedicated and this quilt is Fabulous! Love these fabrics and must get me some. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

  21. I can only assume that this quilt is the one that is in Tim's pictures on facebook. WOW. I cannot WAIT to get this fabric. You do a beautiful job!

  22. I can only assume that this quilt is the one that is in Tim's pictures on facebook. WOW. I cannot WAIT to get this fabric. You do a beautiful job!

  23. This is looking great! I love free-motion quilting, so creative. I used to work in a Quilt shop, too!!! Love how things overlap in learning experiences.


  24. What size squares did you use and do you know how much of each fabric you used ? I love it. I am hoping to find the fabric to make one myself. Thanks in advance.
