Monday, July 29, 2013

The CHA Journey!

Hi bloggers! Wow, it's been over a month since my last post. Sorry but I've been busy with CHA samples for Ranger and Tim Holtz. 

It all starts with an email. Are you available to make samples? YES, YES and YES! Next the packages start to arrive with new product! It's so exciting, but you can't share it with anyone because you are sworn to secrecy. So, you do a little happy dance to yourself and get to work. LOL 

One of the first packages were these beauties. If you liked Distress Markers before you will LOVE the new colors. So bright! So lovely! 

One night I just in front of the TV just coloring, I definitely wasn't watching any TV.  I was just coloring.

Tim's blueprint stamps from Stampers Anonymous are perfect for coloring! 

The next morning it was time to make some cards with the colored pieces. 

I had so much fun coloring.

Love this Stocking stamp. You could even add your name to the top of the stocking. 

For this sample I colored the stamp with the Distress Markers. The new colors are so beautiful don't you think?

 This was the scene of my work area for the past couple months. I don't know what it is, but I never have any space to work and I don't think a bigger work area is the answer. I think it's just me. 

Soon after the product arrives I had a stack of samples to send off for inspiration to others. I look forward to making samples every year. 

The samples make it to CHA and end up on this table for sorting. Tim and Paula decide which booth they will be displayed in. 

 Then the samples are put onto display boards before the show opens. I'm always amazed how things come together in such a short amount of time. 

 The show opens! Here is Tim showing off the NEW Distress Glitter! 

Look at the crowd! Everyone is so excited! 

Thank you Tim, Paula and Ranger for letting me be part of the journey! 
I loved being a part of it!


  1. I love the coloring techniques you use. Tim shared your secret and told us you didn't know it was a secret but I agree with him. Not everyone knows to color the seams with the fine tip. Your art is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Hi Ruby,
      The technique Tim shared was from Chelle Fowler! you can find her blog at Chelle makes the most beautiful art too!

  2. you rocked it this year and it was fun to be able to hang out! xoxo!

    ps come visit me soon! ;)

  3. It all looks like a lot of hard work... but so much fun!!
    Alison x

  4. Great samples Richele! Thanks for sharing your experience and week with us.

  5. Your samples are wonderful; how exciting this must have been for you. WOW.

  6. Great post, Richele! So fun to read about the process from the first email to the actual unveiling at CHA. Glad you had a great time! x

  7. Beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing - your inside view was fun to see - love your work!
    Sandra ltb

  8. Thank YOU for making such lovely samples to inspire us! I know it's a lot of hard work but well worth it as we 'ooh' and 'aah' over each piece of art presented to us.

  9. Richele...those samples are amazing. Better start socking away money for those stamps! Thank you for showing the fab pics!

  10. What amazing samples - everything was so beautiful. How cool to be asked by TIm Holtz to do samples for Ranger. COngratulations!

  11. Wonderful samples Richelle and it must have been amazing to have been asked to do them! It was fun to watch your process a bit, thanks for sharing, it all looks so creative!!

  12. Love the examples and the pics of all those goodies due out soon! can't wait to get my inky hands on some! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Wow the samples you made simply rock! Enjoyed you so much on the last TH cruise and would love to see you again!

  14. Your colouring is so good & I love your samples, they are beautiful. Also love the new distress markers.
    You are most definitely not alone in having a tiny work area. I periodically tidy my table before I start a new project, clearing away lots of extraneous stuff. Within ten minutes I'm working in about six inches of space......

  15. Oh, Richele! I love what you made for CHA. Saw more pics on Tim's blog. It's truly amazing. Can't wait for your upcoming classes at The Stampers Corner.

    If you need help preparing for the next CHA, I am volunteering my services!

    Kathleen Harrington

  16. Quelles belles créations! J'adore!

  17. Fantastic makes, beautiful colouring and I know just what you mean about the work area ! I have a big table but work on about a foot square .... If I' m lucky x
