Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy Mail and a GIVE AWAY!!

Hello friends! Are you ready for spring? I love spring! 
The flowers are always so beautiful. It's hard to believe my little daffodils have already bloomed, the trees are getting green leaves and it seems to be a little warmer. All a sign of spring!

Last week I had a WONDERFUL surprise in the mail. Yes, the new Tim Holtz Book, A Compendium of Curiosities Volume III. I'm so honored that some of my pieces are in the book. Yeah! You can get your very own autographed copy of the book from Tim here

So to celebrate, I have an autographed copy to give away.

The book is filled with so much inspiration!

 and lots and lots of techniques!! Did I say lots, I meant tons…

You know you want one!!
Just leave a comment before March 16th at midnight PST for a chance to win. 

Good luck and I hope it's your lucky day!!


  1. Thanks a lot Richele! I'd really like having the book! Let's cross fingers

  2. Wow, that's cool - thanks for the chance to win. And of course big congratulations that some of your pieces are in the book :)
    Wishing you a happy and sunny day.

  3. You are right - I would really like to have one. Thank you for the chance to win.

  4. I MUST have vol 111 for my collection so thank you so much Richele for this opportunity

  5. Congratulations for your work featured in Tim's book.
    I would love to have the chance to dive in this compendium of techniques and ideeas. I bet I'll be hooked for good. ;) . Thank you for the chance offered.

  6. What lovely daffodils! Thanks for the tempting pictures from Volume III. I would love to have a copy. Can't wait to see which projects are yours.

    Kathleen Harrington

  7. If I'm the lucky one, I'd loved that you to sign it too :)

    Spring is wonderful

  8. I have my signed copy already so don't put me in the draw, even got an ideaology apron too, love Mario. The samples are always so fantastic, absolutely loved your CHA samples too, - thanks for all the inspiration!!

  9. Congratulations on your work being included in Tim's compendium. How exciting, Can't wait to see this latest volume and all the new techniques. Thanks for the chance to win one!

  10. Congratulations Richele for having work selected to be in Tim's Third Compendium. What an honor! Thanks so much for the chance to win my very own copy. Theresa x

  11. Thats awesome!! Congratulations :) And thanks for the winning chance.
    Have a sunny Day :)

  12. I would love to win this! love TH---have his other 2 books, which are amazing! thanks!

  13. I would love to have this to complete my collection of Tim books, but of course, would love that you signed it, too! I love your work and it would be an honor. Congrats to you!

  14. Thank you. It would look great on my bookshelf next to volume I and II.

  15. I hope it's my lucky day, too!! Can't wait to see all the great stuff inside!

  16. Congratulation. You make wonderful stuff. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

  17. What's spring? It's still cold and snowy up, up, up north! I look forward to June when the snow will be gone. Book looks great. I keep hearing about it. Looks like what I learned in CC102.

  18. I would love to win a signed copy of Tim's book.

  19. I would love to win volume III to add to my collection. Congrats on being in the new book!

  20. I sure hope it's my lucky day. Thanks for being so generous.

  21. Ohhhh...would love to win a copy of the latest CCC collection! Can't wait to see your art work...always plenty of inspiration in the days to come! Thank you!

  22. Must be exciting to open it up and see your work in there! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Thanks for the chance!

  23. Your flowers are SO PRETTY! everything is greening up here as well. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book.

  24. I love Tim's products. I would love to win a copy of his book.

  25. Would love to win a copy of tim's newest book! Thanks for the chance.

  26. Wow - what an awesome surprise in the mail, thanks for sharing the love!!x

  27. Oh, you're right ... I do want one! Thank you so much for your generous giveaway. Congratulations to having a part of you in Tim's book - what an honor.


    PS - Spring is my favorite season, too!

  28. Congrats for being published in Tim's book and it's always fun to get a surprise in the mail. Would love to win a copy of the book, thanks for the chance.

  29. I would LOVE to win Tims 3rd book, I have the other two and they are wonderful. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  30. Well of course I want one! Congratulations on getting published in Tim's book. Thanks for the chance!

  31. I have the other 2 books - none of them autographed - and this would make my March so much brighter! Congratulations on having your work in the book :)

  32. Woo HOO! I have the first one, and I didn't know there was a third! Ooooo baby I want one. Please?!?

  33. I'll bet the book is fabulous! Thanks for a chance to win... March 16th is my birthday, so it'd be a fun surprise to win it! Excited to see your pieces in the book!

  34. Who wouldn't want to win this? Hope it's me!!!

  35. Yummy! What a great giveaway! I'd certainly love a copy. :-)

  36. YAY Richele! Another fun give-away! Now, what about your autograph on the book, too? :) :) Now, that would be a prize!! Thanks for the chance to win this great 3rd volume from Tim!! Happy (almost) Spring!! XOXO-Shari

  37. Your daffodils are gorgeous Richele, love the smell! I would love a copy of Tim's latest book, he's awesome!!! Thanks :-)

  38. While I remain faithful to Tim, the bank acct. allows for fewer purchases. I would love to win this new "chock full of creativity" book.

  39. Wow! I would be happy to have a copy autographed by Tim! I consider him the Master of the techniques!! I loved to run its course on line CC102 and I want to thank you for the chance you give to all of us who follow your blog ! If I'm the lucky one, I'd loved that you to sign it too!!!!!!! BArbarayaya

  40. This looks fantastic, would love to win tim's book and check out all the fun....

  41. I love the rainbow effects I sing the spritzer, markets and stencil. I haven't thought of doing that,. :)

  42. I love the rainbow effects I sing the spritzer, markets and stencil. I haven't thought of doing that,. :)

  43. Congratulations Rochelle on having your work shown in Tim's new book. How lovely it would be to own one of these signed books. Hugs Rita xxx

  44. WOW! Really? A chance to win a signed copy of Compendium Number 3!!!

    I shall cross my fingers, toes, eyes & anything else I can manage to cross :-)


  45. Oh my.. Your daffodils are absolutely gorgeous!! Sigh* Mine haven't even stated to bloom yet.

  46. I hope it's my lucky day, too!! Thanks for a chance to win!! Your daffodils are gorgeous!! We still have snow on the ground so no flowers yet.

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  47. What an awesome giveaway! What a thrill it must be for you being part of the book's inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win it.

  48. I'm jealous of your daffodils. It's still to cold here. Maybe with volume III there will be some Inspiration to create my own daffodils! Thanks for a chance to win. Congratulations on having your own work in there.

  49. Hi Richele! would so love to win this book! I love your work and you are so blessed to be working along side with Tim.. :) Hope you are well.. Hugs from Norway!

  50. Here in the Netherlands spring is also coming !! Love it ! Tim's book makes me very happy! Best regards Berdien

  51. The book would put a spring like step in my crafting! Thanks for the opportunity :)

  52. Looking forward to seeing what you made for the book. Thanks for a chance to win one.

  53. Congratulations on having pieces in the book - how exciting!! And thank you so much for the chance to win one - wow!
    Alison x

  54. Congrats! Absolutely love your work!!!

  55. OMG! I am so excited for you Richele. Congrats on having Tim use some of your Art in his new book. You so talented girl! Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Barbara x

  56. Congratulations for being in Tim's new book! Of course I would love to have one! Sign me up!

  57. I would love to get my hands on this book since I don't have any of TH's books. That would keep me playing for hours with stamps and inks :)

  58. Congratulations on your art being in the book - love visiting here for inspiration - you are a wonderful resource .... so you have an autographed copy and you are giving it away!?!?!?!?!? WOW! Count me in on the drawing.
    Thank you for all the wonderful tips and inspiration!
    Sandra ltb

  59. Would love to win. What a great surprise to find your Tim Holtz book

  60. I would love to have this book!! Thanks for the chance to win one;

  61. I love the picture or your flowers, definite bright spot in my day as I'm sitting here with several feet of that white icky stuff on the ground and gloomy gray skies. Love T!m's books, cant wait to see all of the goodies and samples.

  62. This would be a fabulous find in the mailbox! Thank you for your generosity, Richele and Tim!
    Maybe you could sign it also, as you are featured!

  63. Wow... Richele, that's incredible!

    Who knows , maybe I'll be that luckiest person in the world!

  64. So excited to see Tim's latest book! I'm sure it's filled with wonderful surprises. Congratulations on having your creativity featured inside!

  65. Thanks Richele, so glad to hear your work is featured!! It sounds great.

  66. I would be over the moon to win this book! Thanks for a great giveaway.

  67. Seeing your flowers makes me hope Spring gets here soon. I have books 1 and 2. Thanks for the chance to try for 3 :-)

  68. I want one! I love how spring is in the air. Soon to be bright sunny days!

  69. You're so absolutely right, not only do I want one, I have to have one! All my new Tim Holtz supplies are waiting to be used! Happy Spring, Richele! Thank you so much!!

  70. Wouldn't it be fun to win a book of inspiration! and THANK YOU for all your inspiration! Now to put all this inspiration to work in my craft room!!

  71. Yes please I'd love to win one! Congratulations on being featured! So well deserved your art is amazing!

  72. Oh my! Put my hat in the ring!!! I would so love Tim's book and I am so glad for you having your work in the book!!! Wow!

  73. Our little daffodils bloomed recently here in Texas too! The weather here has been absolutely CrAzY--am ready for warmer temps. The book looks very intriguing--thanks for a chance to win!

  74. I would love a copy of this book. And wow you must be very pleased with yourself to be included in this book. Congratulations.

  75. It's not a question of want but one of NEED! How amazing to see your beautiful creations in print this way. Huge congratulations to you and thank you so much for the chance to win. Jenny x

  76. Like Jenny, above, I need one too! I have heard so little about it but had no idea that you were in it! Wow! Many congratulations Richelle, I am thrilled for you. Thanks so much for the chance to win it. Hugs, Anne xx

  77. thank for this chance to win the book. the other 2 are awesome :)

  78. What a wonderful prize! I admire Tim so much autographed copy!...WOW!


  79. Autographed by the King of crafts? It can't get any better than that!
    Thank you Richele for chance. By the way, I love your blog and have been following it for many years.

  80. wish oh wish oh wish oh wish oh wish.....thank you for the chance to win. you are a marvelous muse and it's perfectly wonderful that you are published. what a dream come true. wish oh wish oh wish.

  81. Your flowers give me hope, this has been one of the worst winters ever! Thanks for a chance to win Tim's book.

  82. I really wish I can win that book!!! Thanks a lot for the chance to win! Must be very honring to be represented in a book like that, congratulations, and well done!

  83. What a great prize. Haven't even seen it yet but I have the first two and can't wait for this one!


  84. I've been waiting and waiting!! I would love to win this third volume. Thanks so much for a chance.

  85. What an awesome prize! Thanks for the chance to win! Congratulations on your projects in the book! You're work is awesome!!

  86. WOW! I would love this book-I have #1 and have used it many times. I need to get #2 to add to my resources. Have looked at it many times at my LSS....have kept the ideas in my head and then tried them at home. THank you so much for the giveaway!

  87. Would so love to win this book congratulation on having you work included

  88. Would love, love, love to have this book! Thanks for the opportunity.

  89. Looking forward to seeing what you made for the book. Thanks so much for the chance to win one.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. How exciting to see your projects in Tim's new book! Congrats on that!
    I would love to win the autographed book!
    - Loes

  92. There once was a girl who loved crafting
    She was afraid of white water rafting
    She adores how Tim's art looks
    She really wants one of this books
    So that she can be better at making up limericks.

    1. ... and get better at her crafting!

      (couldn't help myself, had to give you a rhyming ending!)

  93. Congrats Richele for getting into Timmy's new book! Can't wait to see your projects!

  94. I am soooo ready for spring!! Can't wait to see the new book and your projects in it!!

  95. I'm so jealous of your daffodils! I'm pretty sure that winning Tim's book would help me forget all of the snow that is still in my yard! ;)

  96. Just found your blog...such wonderful inspiration...will take me a week to go through your back posts! :) Congrats on your projects being in the new book! HUGS

    New Fan

  97. I'm ready for spring and some crafting inspiration! Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!

  98. Amazing, congrats on your stuff being in the book.
    I got the two first books, and I would love to have this book as well.

  99. Yes, I do hope it is my lucky day. Thanks for being so generous.

  100. Good golly! I would be so excited to add this book to my shelves! Thank you for your generosity!

  101. Wow how wonderful your stuff in Tim's book congrats ! Would love to have a copy to add to my room of Tim's stuff . Thanks for your kindness .

  102. Can't wait to see your work in volume 3!! Congrats!

  103. Looks like a fantastic book! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  104. I love these books so full of ideas!!! Congrats

  105. I would love to give Volume 3 a good home....thanks for the chance!
