Wednesday, May 13, 2015

FAB 5: Kraft-Core Cardstock!

Hello friends…..I'm very excited to be starting a new series on my blog to get back in the swing of blogging. 

The series is "FAB 5"…maybe it will lead me to focus on…
5 FABULOUS things about a product
5 FABULOUS tips about using a product
or maybe even just 
5 FABULOUS products I love to use.
One things for certain it will be a journey and I hope you will join me. 

Today is 5 FAB things about Kraft-Core cardstock!

#1  Kraft-Core comes in a variety of ways… 
Nostalgic Collection, Classic Collection 
and Metallic Collection
12" x 12" pads & 6" x 6" pads

Card & Envelope Packs

#2  Kraft-Core properties…
Colored on one side, Kraft on the other
and a Kraft-Core!

#3  Kraft-Core can be… 
Sanded, Torn,
Embossed & Die Cut

and even Crumpled!

#4 Kraft-Core looks fab.. 
when you ink it!

#5 Kraft-Core is great for… 
Cards, Layouts, Mixed Media & Home Decor 

Kraft-Core is my all time favorite cardstock! Love how it looks, Love that you can write on the inside of the card, Love the colors!  
Kraft-Core is FABULOUS!! 

I'd LOVE to hear why you think Kraft-Core is FABULOUS!! 

And if you leave a comment, I will pick one LUCKY winner on Saturday for this Kraft-Core Card and Envelope set. You are going to LOVE it! 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love Kraft-Core too! the new metallic is fantastic embossed!

  2. So cool!! perfect Paper :) Tanks for the Inspiration.

  3. I love the embossed and sanded look on Kraft-core!

  4. I really deeply love Kraft-Core, too!

  5. I love the sturdiness of Kraft-Core. Also love to emboss and then sand it.
    Love the idea for your new blog posts.

  6. I💕 love Kraft-Core, so fun to play with in all kinds of projects! 💕 😊

  7. I own some card stock with a different color inner core, but I don't think I have any kraft core. It looks like it would be great for masculine cards, which I struggle with a bit. :)

  8. I look forward to see what you'll be sharing with us!

  9. Kraft-Core is fabulous because it comes in great colors, can be distressed, or left as is, is perfect match for all things Distress, and it has texture. Thanks for the chance to win. Your new series sounds like fun. Looking forward to more.

  10. Very cool! I love kraft Core too.. I can't wait for your new tuturiols and what Tim comes up with next.

  11. Kraft-Core is fabulous for all the reasons you mentioned but I especially love it because it comes in Tim Holtz Classic Distress Colors. Hopefully by the end of the year it will be available in all 12 of the New 2015 Distress Colors too!

  12. I love how it looks as if it has antiquey undertones. Great for vintage style projects!

  13. Well, who doesn't love Kraft-Core would be the better questions. I love it for all the reasons you have stated. I like your new direction and will be following along to see what you come up with.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I was S-O-L-D at the watering can!! What awesome and endless possibilities caliartgirl!! 😍😍

  16. The versatility of Kraft-core is amazing. The ability to emboss, die cut, ink up, tear up and distress it by any means available makes this paper a must have. I began using Tim's Distress core-dinations a while ago. So, kraft-core is 2nd generation. Dig those metallics! I am pleased with the strength and its ability to withstand deeply etched embossing folders as well as spritzing with water to manipulate the paper. May I add that since the core is colored, you can go crazy. Bravo to you Richelle for bringing our attention to this paper, all of the available colors and its uses!

  17. That watering can card is fabulous use of Kraft-core, can't wait to get my hands on some!! Thanks for a chance to win!

  18. I love Kraft-Core's kraft core! Looks awesome when embossed and sanded!

  19. I love the look of the Kraft-Core paper when it is embossed and distressed. Unfortunately, I am unable to buy it locally, but it is on my wish list the next time I place an on-line order.

  20. Love Kraft -core! thank you for the chance! fingers crossed! BArbarayaya

  21. I love the texture, the colors, its versatility, the vintage look that gets when sanded. Thank you for the chance .

  22. This Kraft -Core looks like such a versatile product.

  23. They are great these Kraft-Core papers.

  24. This us right up my ally. I truly love the distressed worn look.

  25. This us right up my ally. I truly love the distressed worn look.

  26. I like the weight of Kraft core as well as the fact that it can be sanded. Also love the colors.

  27. I love the embossed/sanded look! I didn't know they made this in cards & envelopes. Looks awesome!

  28. Hello Richele.
    Love the look and colors. Can't wait to use it!

  29. My #1 go to paper, love tearing, sanding and embossing (haven't tried crumpling). Love all the wonderful colors especially the new metalics. I hoard all my little scraps for future projects.

  30. Wonderful cardstock! Very cute projects. I don't have the cards and envelopes yet. How convenient for my many card making projects.

  31. The weight & quality is so great for die cutting & making cards. Love how the kraft inside is so perfect to write your sentiment on.

  32. Kraft-Core is fabulous! Personally I love to sand it. Can't wait to use some of the newer products, especially the metallics. Thanks Richele!

  33. Waw... Thank you Richelle for this great offer. I like all the above love Kraft Core. And the new Metallic looks awesome !!! Cant wait to get a packet of metallics. It's the most versatile cardstock. Looks vintage so fast if that whats you're going for. But can look so many ways depending on whar you choose to do with it.
    Thanks again. Also for providing inspiration.
    Hugs from Monica.... Spain

  34. i have never had the pleasure of using kraft core have inspired me with all your projects. i especially love the crumpled affect. it would seem i need to get myself yet another tim holtz product and fall in love with it. thank you for your generous giveaway and your constant inspiration.

  35. I love to emboss Kraft core and then sand it for any project. It also works so well for flowers, leaves, and stems, love it!

  36. Really appreciate the reminders about how fantastic Kraft Core is! Haven't tried the metallic yet - but you bet I'll be on the lookout for it now!!!

  37. I have all of these, and have started playing! I LOVE them, and especially the metallics! Very cool post, and so informative, and talk about inspirational! LOVE the die cut cork!!!!

  38. Oooh, metallic kraft core! The mind whirls with possibilities! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

  39. The embossed metallic looks made some great cards there. Thank you!

  40. My first comment went poof and was gone. Grrr.

    I love the embossed and sanded look and the metallic's are fantastic. The possibilities are endless. Can't wait to get my hands on some and winning would be sweet. Thanks for the chance to win and all the amazing project inspirations.

  41. I mostly use Kraft Core for the added texture it brings to the table. Would love to try some of the metallics.

  42. I love how this paper works with so many different projects. The textures you can create with this paper is fantastic. I love the new Tim Holtz line.

  43. I love the Kraft core ... just got some more last week ... so excited Joann's sales single sheets ... needed some colors for my flowers for my May Tim tag ... I had used up those colors in my stash ... Woo Hoo !! It is so fun to work with ...

  44. Love it!! This paper can be used in so many ways, but I have not crumpled any yet, but I do love that look. Thank you for the chance to win.

  45. Can't say I have tried the Kraft core but I am sure I would love it. I love the Adventure and cupcake cards!

  46. I LOVE the versatility of it! If you tear it, stamp it, emboss it, it turns out different! It's awesome.

  47. I love the look of it, but are yet to try it - not seen it where I live

  48. Love embossing and then sanding Kraft core, beautiful results every time. I've never used their cards before so would love to give them a try!

  49. I too love the metallics. I also love to emboss it. one of my fav go to papers!

  50. I love KraftCore for the colors-always classic and unique. They give my imagination support :)

  51. I love Kraft core paper - love to sand and tear it!!! your projects are awesome - thanks for sharing

  52. I love all the different ways you've shown!! You've given me lots of ideas, especially crumbling the metallic, love the look!!
