Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ty's project!

Happy Tuesday!
Today I have to share a Grandma story! I was up in my studio mostly cleaning today and getting ready to make a project for the blog and my 4 year old Grandson comes over. He ran in the house and is so excited because he has a project he needs to work on. He runs up stairs with much excitement in his voice. "Grandma, grandma I'm going to do a project" I ask "what is your project?"" I'm going to make a scarecrow!" 

He brings me this letter to read and a white scarecrow! While I'm reading he finds a few things in my studio laying around, one of which is the pumpkin die cut. He asks,"grandma can I use this!" Of course! So off we go to create a scarecrow. He sits in the "CREATIVE" chair and he directs me that he wants black behind the pumpkin face not gold. He does a little cutting and asks me to do the rest. Ty does a little coloring. 

He glues it all together and here it is! I'm not sure the teacher will believe he made this! He glued, colored and sanded. It does say in the letter that he could have help, right! 

The hard part was getting him to hold still for the picture as you can see he wasn't. Good enough though you can see in his face how happy he is. Next he was off to show his mom! 

Best day ever for grandma! I loved sharing the excitement with Ty!

Richele aka Grandma


TH said...
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TH said...

Simply adorable and hard to believe you are a grandmother! :)

Words and Pictures said...

Fantastic... third generation crafter! What a wonderful way to spend time together, and it's a fabulous scarecrow!
Alison x

StayHmMom1234 said...

What a great scarecrows you two made!! Thanks for sharing your story!! Hugs, Deborah M.

Redanne said...

Lovely post today Richele, you both did a wonderful job on the scarecrow, Ty is just so cute too! The joys of being a Grandma. x

Flo said...

Kids amaze me at their carefree creative spirits. What a great job and a nice memory for you, Richele. Happy Halloween to you and your family.