Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Wow! Where does the time go. Seems like time is moving at double time these day. I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday season. I know I did. It was very busy with family visiting and friends that stopped by. Now it's time to take down the tree and get back to blogging. I have so many projects I want to share with you this year. 

Here is a little peek of the card I'm sharing on the Sizzix blog Monday! 
Have a great weekend!


lilscrappers said...

haha, that grabbed my attention, now I want to see the whole thing!

Words and Pictures said...

That's one heck of a sneak peek... Umbrella Man looks stunning! Looking forward to seeing the whole thing!
Alison x

Nan G said...

You've got my attention! See you Monday...