Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mini Distress Ink and a GIVEAWAY!!

Hi friends…I'm sure you've heard about the new MINIS!! Right! 
There is now 12 more to LOVE!! I know what you're saying. I already have the bigger ink pads. Well I'm here to tell you that there are many things that are great about these little gems. They're great for carrying to a crop or to a friends house for play time. So compact! Easy to handle for inking your favorite project. The Minis are the perfect fit with the Mini Ink Blending Tool. They are great for the technique I'm going to show you… and they're also awesome to GIVEAWAY!!! So don't forget to leave a comment at the end of the post for a chance to win your very own set.. 

Here are all the available colors. Which is your favorite? 
It was so hard for me to choose so I got them ALL.

Our project for today features mono printing with a Layering Stencil using the Mini Distress Inks. 
This technique is in Tim's "A Compendium of Curiosities" Volume III. The book is filled with tons of techniques and inspiration!! 

Choose your colors of Distress Minis and Layering Stencil.

Apply ink directly to the BACK of the Schoolhouse Layering Stencil. Start with the lightest color so not to contaminate your ink pads. These Mini Distress Inks are perfect for this technique. 

Generously mist the ink with water.  

Gentle press the stencil onto a piece of watercolor cardstock or Manilla works great too. With the stencil still in place blot off the excess ink with a paper towel. 

Slowly remove stencil, blot with towel if necessary and let dry. 

Here are a couple background combinations. 

Sand and ink the edges with a Gathered Twigs Distress Ink on a Mini Ink Blending tool. 

Cut a small oval to fit the Industrious frame. Stamp a little background text with Scattered Straw Distress Ink. 

Add a few Botanical Remnant Rubs to the oval. It's easiest to cut the Rubs out, position them and then rub them into place. 

Wrap the Jute Twine around, tie with a bow, add the flowers and layer it all together

I love this background to showcase my little birds. 

With the softer background I made an Easter Card. All the steps are the same, just add the bunny after you apply the Distress Glitter. 

Use chipboard to die cut the Mini Bunny and Bow from the Movers & Shapers Magnetic die set. Apply Glossy to the Bunny and Bow, poor Distress Glitter over them, shake off the excess and let dry.

Isn't this the cutest bunny every! 

Here are the Mini Distress Inks! 
You know you want them so leave a comment by April 17th at midnight PST and I will announce the lucky winner Friday morning for these little gems! 

Thanks for stopping in!

Here are all the color sets.


Elizabeth Zaffarano said...

I get so excited when I think of all the room I'll save! Most of my other inks are cubes or dew drops, and these will fit right in!

Scrapthat said...

So beautiful Richele!!! TFS girl! :D

Shawn said...

Love your projects Richele. They are both wonderful. Thanks for a shot to win those bundles of ink joy.

Unknown said...

Those mini distress inks are too cool for words. I love them because they are so portable. Your cards are great, thanks for the instructions!!!!

Donna M S said...

Thanks for a chance to win the minis, So fun!

Sharon Y said...

Oh my gosh, I love the cards. Thanks for showing us the background technique. I so want the new minis colors! Thanks for the chance to win some. Yay Distress!

Lisa said...

Your cards are absolutely fabulous!! I love the designs and techniques you used!! The new minis are so awesome!! Perfect for summer RV trips :)

Karen Buchanan said...

Love those mini"s and what a great technique for quick backgrounds!

Designs By Jo-Anne Moreau Bougie said...

OMG this is gorgeous.. Thaks for a chance and winning the minis..

Lindsey said...

Love those new ink pads and the Easter cards!! :)

DarcieGlam said...

Oooh your cards are fabulous! Thanks for having such a great giveaway. I would so love to find them in my Easter Basket!

Lisa said...

Perfect size tontake with you on the go! Brilliant idea $

Yvonne said...

Wow! Have not seen these yet so I sure wouldn't mind having them to play with!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous delicate backgrounds! Love Distress inks, and these minis are So cute and convenient!

Unknown said...

Beautiful card -- and fun technique to ink the back of the stencil! Love all your little details. :)

KAT said...

That stencil technique is AWESOME! I love the birds too! Happy Easter!

Renee M said...

Sweet cards! I especially like your little bunny. Thanks much for the how-to info and also the chance to win the fun inkpads!

Sue McRae said...

Love that bunny card with the fun tinsel twine!

vwise said...

Vintage photo is my favorite. Now I can keep them all the colors on my desk

vwise said...

Vintage photo is my favorite. Now I can keep them all the colors on my desk

Anonymous said...

Beautifully original elements on these Easter cards! So much fun to see how you use these techniques and minis in such creative ways! TFS!
Linda (:

Nicole Wright Designs said...

Love your Easter cards. Love the new minis. I have one pack so far. Thanks for the technique. It's great having ideas what to use these wee ink for.

Hee Sun Kim (MIYAKE) said...

Love this! Happy easter!
Thanks for win the bundles of ink.

Creative Tara said...

Beautiful card- I love seeing how the minis are even more perfect for techniques like this! Sure would love to win some :)

Kathleen Harrington said...

Thanks for the step by step instructions with pictures for the stencil technique. I think I just might get it right this time, lol. Love those minis!

Denise Bryant said...

Awesome technique with the stencil! I love the colors you used on the Easter card, so I'll choose that set as my favorite, #4! I love the idea of these mini ink pads to pack up and take to a crafty get-together!

slbt17 said...

what fun! I love distress inks.
Thanks for sharing these fun techniques!
Sandra ltb

shari said...

Your canvas and card are adorable! I'd love to win some of these mini inks. cricutrookie@AOL.com

SusanK said...

Love the idea of inking up a stencil like this! Who wouldn't love to win a set of the distress minis? I know I am anxious to own them all. Thank you for the opportunity to win a set!

Unknown said...

I love bunny card, it is so cute. The light background looks great. I would love to win these and try them out.

Flo said...

Love how you reversed the stencil and the glitter on the bunny and bow. Thanks.

barbarayaya62 said...

Richele your project are both wonderful, as always! Thanks for the chance to win these little lovely inks!!!!! BARbarayaya

SkyPixie17 said...

Spun Sugar is a must for soft backgrounds! Can't wait to own the newest colors! Love your cards!

Two Mad Dahlias said...

That bunny is fantastic with the brown glitter! I can't wait to try these minis. :)

sally said...

What gorgeous backgrounds, I see why the mini ink pads are so good for this! Let me get my hands on some of there & NOBODY GETS HURT!


B.j. said...

Love the colors especially set #4 Great for Easter.....your techniques and ideas stencils and background s WOW can't wait to play

Katina said...

Your cards are sooo cute and the mini distress pads make it so easy to get color just where you want it!

Skraperella said...

Your cards are gorgeous Richele! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

JanBianchi said...

Love all the new colors. They are handy and convient for taking with you on the go...

Redanne said...

My favourites are the blues, nice to see the colours mixed up so that I need to buy them all to get all the blues! Your cards are beautiful, I love the tip about using watercolour paper, it gives such a delicate looking background. Thanks so much for the chance to win! Anne xx

Pam said...

Beautiful cards! I just love these minis!

Patty Albertson said...

Thanks for sharing the technique with the stencil, can't wait to try it! I'd love to win some of the new mini's :) Thanks so much for a chance to win!!

Theresa said...

Never thought to ink the stencil like that! Great idea....LOVE your cards, too....especially the EASTER BUNNY!!!!

Unknown said...

Great technique! Thank you for sharing. Love the minis, it will make traveling with them easier.

Pamela said...

What an ingenious way to get more versatility from your stencil. I love how this technique turned out on these cards, I will have to try it. Thanks for the chance, I love these minis, just haven't got any yet.

Rita said...

love these cards! Especially love the reverse stencil technique. I need some of these minis!

Dorothy said...

Love the cards!!!!

Karen Wedding said...

Those little minis are so cool. I love how you used them. I would love to try your technique.

Debbie said...

Love your technique! Your cards are beautiful! I have to get the mini ink pads if for no other reason but to do your technique! Thanks for sharing

cheiron said...

Love the stencil technique and your fabulous use of the industrious frames!!! Thanks for the giveaway would love to add this second release of minis to my collection :)

Unknown said...

Minis!!! awesome must have for on the go crafting.. thank you for the chance to win! great use on stencil technique can't wait to play with them!!

Cim Allen said...

I love the background of both cards .. such a cool technique. Thanks for a chance to win :) Have a great day !

kmonty said...

Great projects. And YAY! 12 more colors! Thank you!

Cheryl said...

The new minis are great, so compact for traveling! I can't wait to get some.
I love your stencil technique on the cards you made! Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win!

Unknown said...

How cute these are!!! And your tutorial is wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win!

Estrella said...

I could actually have all the minis on my work desk & still have to to create. Who could ask for anything more?

Majo said...

I am very impressed by your detailed information and instructions, beautiful cards! Thanks so much for the chance to win, I'd love to have them all ..... LOL


buttercup said...

Thanks for the inspiring cards. Would love to win the inks and get started making magic!-Karen Seidlitz

Peggy in Portland said...

These look like so much fun to play with! Do need! Fingers crossed.

Kathy G. said...

Your cards look great (and fun to make). I just got the mini ink blender and can't wait to get these mini ink pads. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

What lovely cards - and that bunny IS adorable! Thanks for the chance to win the ink pads :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE!!!! The colors are amazing and what a great idea for a background!! I would love to win any of these combos are great!!

Kate said...

The frames make those cards look really special. Would love to win some inks!

Unknown said...

I'm always so impressed with your work! Awesome cards Richele, Thanks for sharing and the chance to win:):)

egg said...

Thanks for the amazing backgrounds, Richele! Great idea. I'm already making a list of ways I want to use the mini's, as I love doing small-format work!

Gloria L said...

Cute little devils with a big impact! Love your cards!

KimC said...

Such lovely cards. I just love the mini's, so much easier to store and carry. Loved your technique for applying ink to the back of the stencil, such a great background. Thanks for the chance to win.

linda said...

i would love a set of these great ink pads, cant wait to try them out.

Betty said...

Thanks so much for sharing your great cards and how to make the background! Love that bunny!!!!!

Rea' said...

Oh these are so fun... gonna try this ( oh no I only have set #3) guess I'll be shopping for more very soon. I love the combination of colors ... got my storage case all picked out!!! They are just such a cool size ... now I can carry more colors with me without feeling like I'm taking the "house" ... LOL !! Light bulb moment... I'm gonna go make that card ... I've got those colors in large pad with little blending tools :) !!!

Unknown said...

I did two bunnys w/ vintage photo ink and vintage photo glitter and they came out perfect.... fun.... thanks.

Unknown said...

I love the cards that you made here, thank you so much for the chance to win these adorable little mini distress inks

jbonomo said...

That is the cutest bunny ever!!! Loved the background stamp behind him too and of course the frame. Did not think I would use the letter stencil but now it is on my wish list. Thank you for the inspiration.

Kelly Massman said...

the bunner card is so adorable and the birdie card so beautiful! TFS and for a chance to win! kmassman gmail

Immi said...

I really like the way the backgrounds turned out! Both are pretty!

jmizelle said...

Great things come in 'little packages'. How does one choose?????

Cheryl S. said...

Thanks for the mono technique showing us how versatile these great new minis are!!

Pat L. said...

Stencils are my new favorite "tool"! and these minis are the perfect compliment to them!! I love your cards - thanks for the tutorial!

lynda said...

I've never used Distress Glitter, but I'm now interested in it after seeing the chunkiness of it on your bunny!

Con said...

I'm not sure which one I prefer! The way you did your technique used different colors to make one beautiful project. I usually choose colors in nature and those for 'masculine' cards. I didn't even know about Distress Glitter which looked great by the way. I agree with Lynda I would like to see how that type works after seeing your project too. If I picked a color I think I would go bold for my taste and say 'yellow' as a color to choose;) <3 the products by Tim Holtz! Thanks for sharing and now I will be sharing your blog on FB, Pinterest and If I can figure it out I will 'tweet' it;) -con

Unknown said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!
Love these! :)


tami said...

Got a set at a scrapbook retreat and used them all weekend wht a fabulous idea! Wouk love to have them ALL!! Heehee thanks for the opportunity! Tami Jackson

Lin said...

Oh your bunny looks good enough to eat! I'm already a fan of the big distress inks, and would love to have a set of the minis - thanks!

Kris said...

Wow...what an inspiration! Can't wait to try that clever stencil technique. The ink colors that you chose are really beautiful. Would LOVE to have a chance at winning some mini's - don't have any of those yet, just some of the regular one's, which I use on almost every project I do. Thanks for the chance.

Brenda in IN said...

Love that soft background you made through that stencil! I would love to do that too with those darling baby inks.

Gail said...

Thanks for the opportunity to maybe win these little beauties, I love the technique used to create your backgrounds, I am definitely going to give it a go. Your cards finished are beautiful, thanks for sharing ideas with us.

Unknown said...

I would love to try these lil Mini cuties! And that Chocolate Bunny looks good enough to eat! Nom nom nom

Garden Girl Digs in Dirt said...

These are great cards and I can't wait to try this technique. I love all of Tim Holtz products and have all the distress inks. I can see that the minis would be great to take to my card groups instead of the bigger ones. I have several of the new stencils that I will use to do this. I would love to win the minis. Thanks for the offering to win.

Carol McCready said...

Love your cards. Will definitely try out the technique.

Ntsisterz said...

Love the bunny! I am surely going to have to have all of the colors of the minis!

Sandie said...

What sweetness you have created with these cards! These minis look to be so handy. How fun to have you, Richele, share your background technique ~ THANK YOU! Tim Holtz/Ranger just keep amazing me with all their new ideas, techniques and products! SO FUN!!!
Springtime greetings.........~Sandie

Kathy Eddy said...

Wow! I love both of these! So pretty and great backgrounds as well!

SusanH said...

Love your projects! And love the minis! Thanks for the chance to win!

EmmaJane said...

Love both of your projects. The bunny is just too cute!! Beautiful backgrounds.

Create Beauty with Laurajo said...

Oh, Richele, these are darling and the backgrounds you created look so fun! I'm definitely going to try this. I actually have all the goodies too, except for the Mini Distress Inks, of course. But they are on top of my list!! Maybe I will win some to start my collection. Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

GreenMonsta00 said...

Love the technique you used on the background for your projects. Another use for all of my stencils. Also love how each set of mini's compliment each other so well.

Lisa H said...

I must admit I did think, "I already have the big ones!" but these look pretty handy! ;-)

DivaMom96 said...

They are so cute! And I love what you've done with them - thanks!

Anonymous said...

They say great things come in small packages!!! I'll say! Love these minis!

Unknown said...

I love this background technique! Can't wait to try it. I'm going to have to get kit #6 first with broken china...one of my faves!

Dara Lynn said...

Working with distress inks is my favorite thing to do ...absolutely love the stencil/spray technique!! Beautiful Easter Cards !!! To pick a favorite mini kit? #1..#3 and #5....are on my shopping list!

Unknown said...

I LOVE both of these cards! That close up shot of the Bunny--AWESOME! I could eat that bunny!! Just Gorgeous!
Thanks for giving us a chance to win the newest mini's! They are cute -- but not as cute as that distress glitter bunny! XOXO-Shari

Marge said...

LOVE to have these new bitsy babies! Your project are both awesome -- TFS!

Kaye said...

I LOVE your glittered bunny card! The TH minis are definitely on my wish list!

selena said...

j adore la carte avec le petit lapin!

Anonymous said...

So adorable! I love the soft look of the inks through the stencil. and i think I seriously need that bunny!

James Gray said...

Wow, I love what you did with the stencil. Those mini distress inks are soooo cool. I think the way they stack will be so handy for travel.

Anonymous said...

Your cards are completely gorgeous. I love that little bunny, but I think the cards with the birds just might be my favourite of the two.

Unknown said...

Love your cards, love the minis!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Great cards. I have the bunny die so I can't wait to try this one. The minis are sooooo cute. Would love to win them!

Roxanne said...

Wow! Love the cards! So Vintage chic! Oh how I would love to win just 1 of these great lil sets! Perfect for travel so you can still create wherever you go!
Thanks for the chance and sharing these beautiful cards!

Marissa said...

I love ALL the colors! I need them all so that I can bring them with me to crops :)

Julie S said...

FabUlous backgrounds! Very cute bunny too. I tend to go for the blues and greens, but lets be realistic. You know I want them all. ;)

di said...

Love love love the new minis. Have to have them all.

pam said...

Love the new minis - cute, collectable, ... great colours ...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I do want them! Great cards, love the backgrounds!

Astrid Maclean said...

Wow, wow, wow, love your cards! All the different backgrounds look so gorgeous and I adore the way you have finished them!! Great way to use those mini pads!!

Binky said...

Hi Richele,
I love what you've done here for Easter.

Now send me those Minis.


Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Gorgeous gorgeous cards! I love the stenciled numbers on the backgrounds! Happy Easter to you!

Lucy E. said...

These are gorgeous cards! Thanks for the tutorial. I am going to pin it!

p boszko said...

Great tutorial...thanks for the chance to win!

shari said...

Awesome cards, love the bunny. I'd love a chance to win the mini distress inks, thanks for the chance.

Brenda Brown said...

Gorgeous cards Richele, sheer delight for the eyes and thanks for the chance of this awesome giveaway. xx

Christina said...

Very nice Cards:-) I am looking foreward to the new color comming to Denmark.

Kyle4143 said...

Love the cards what a fun and easy was to use the distressed inks and stencils! I will try this soon. Thanks for a chance to win! I love your beach cards today too at Simon says!

Cheryl S. said...

Wonderful cards and thanks for the tutorial - it looks like so much fun!
I am loving these new minis.

Unknown said...

Now my pockets are empty and ready for the Minis!

Pam said...

Great tutorial thanks! Kit 1 has pretty summer colors!

cjmont said...

love the technique with the stencil! thanks for a chance to win all these minis.

Kim Gyu said...

This is a fabulous technique! Thank you for sharing it. I would have never thought of inking the whole stencil and flipping it over :) LOVE IT. That bunny looks good enough to eat....seriously! Thank you for the inspiration this morning.

Tikaani said...

Awww I'm too late - but what a beautiful springtime technique! Thanks :) (PS came from Tammy Tutterow's site)